Energy Healing & Reiki Session

Our body knows how to heal itself if given the chance; the love, energy and positivity it deserves. My Higher Self brings the frequencies of Love and Peace to every healing session.

I've been conducting distance healing sessions for several years and found them to be more powerful than in-person sessions. Energy healing and Reiki work with all energy bodies, including the physical body. Many issues manifest in the energetic bodies before they become apparent in the physical body. By working with the energy bodies, many issues are resolved at the source. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed or transferred from one object or person to another. Thus, distance is not a barrier to healing sessions. The healing energy is transmitted via sound and intention with the help of my Higher Self and support from the Ascended Masters.

Some of the issues that an energy healing session can help with are releasing blocked emotions, healing past lives, healing trauma in the body, healing on a cellular level, balancing and healing the chakras, releasing entities and healing attachments, healing karmic issues, creating grounding to the Earth, and bringing you more into your body. This can bring peace and create trust in life.

The combination of Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® adds the energies of Ascended Masters Jesus and Kuan Yin to facilitate the healing sessions with my Higher Self. The energy healing comes through in the frequency of Love. Two of the key components for healing are Love and forgiveness of self and others.

Holy Fire®III Karuna Reiki® energy increases our quality of consciousness, our awareness of your Divine Self, at the same time providing an extraordinary healing experience. It is compassion in action.

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® answered and responded to everything I knew in my heart to be true

  • That all our answers lie within us
  • That we can clear and heal old wounds, beliefs and thought patterns that no longer serve us
  • That we have the power to heal ourselves and ascend to the magnificence we were meant to attain

“Knowing yourself is knowing your truth.”

⏤ Pukalani, My Higher Self

What is Energy and how does the Energy Healing and Reiki Work?

Energy is a fundamental aspect of our existence. However, we often forget this when we think about energy in terms of its physical states such as solid, liquid, and gas. We tend to see ourselves as separate from the world around us, failing to realize that what we observe outside of ourselves is also within us. Though we may seem solid, we are in fact made up of less dense organs and tissues, and even less tangible substances such as blood, water, air, light, and sound. We are all connected, constantly interacting with the environment both within us and outside of ourselves.

We can experience energy blocks or stuck energy where the energy cannot flow freely. Such blockages can create a sense of density and make it difficult for us to be in resonance and synchronicity with our environment. Holy Fire® energy is a refined energy that comes directly from God, from Source. During a healing session, my Higher Self facilitates the healing process, and I have great reverence for this divine energy. I always ask that it works for the highest good of the client by creating flow, balance, and harmony within them. Toning or chanting during a healing session can bring about profound shifts in the vibrational frequency of the energy, further aiding the healing process. Additionally, I always ask for situations and issues to be revealed to me so that I can relay them to the client for their benefit.

Holy Fire®III Karuna Reiki® combined with energy work from my Higher Self is a healing method that works on a cellular level. It is capable of addressing a range of issues such as:

  • past life problems
  • unconscious patterns
  • releasing spirit attachments
  • dissolving cords
  • healing physical trauma
  • managing psychic and psychological attacks
  • help with addictions,
  • dealing with fear and anxiety
  • harmonizing relationships
  • balancing the chakras
  • improving creativity
  • enhancing communication
  • empowering goals

Facilitating Release of Thought Patterns and Karmic Release

At times, we may experience situations where we feel stuck and unable to move forward. This could be due to past life experiences, ancestral patterns or current life events that have left an imprint on our body and mind. Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® is a gentle healing technique that helps us release these negative vibrations and cellular memories, allowing our body to return to its original divine template. The facilitator of this healing process is the Higher Self.

Our karma accumulates through all of our past and present lives, but it can be released in order to ascend spiritually. This is vital because as we clear our karma, we allow more light and radiance to flow into our chakras. The Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® system is an effective way to bring up and release karma for those who are ready. It's not always necessary to know the exact story behind the karmic block, but rather to recognize and feel the energy or emotion associated with it. Fear is a common emotion that can be tied to karma. The healing energy of Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® flows to clear and heal for the highest good. It's a purifying, empowering, and self-healing experience.

Releasing and Healing Spirit Attachments, Dissolving of Cords

There are times when it is necessary to release a spirit attachment for healing. Spirit attachments are discarnate energies that have found their way to you and have attached themselves to your auric field.

They are not benevolent spirits or guides - they can take advantage of you in various ways, whether that be spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically. These entities often attach themselves to areas of weakness or imbalance and exacerbate an unhealthy condition, making it more difficult to heal. Energetic balance is much easier to achieve when there are no unwanted attachments. Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® is a gentle, respectful, safe, and compassionate form of energy healing. It uses an energetic transformation to release spirit attachments, dissolve cords, and promote healing.

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki®

The Holy Fire energy has been present on Earth since ancient times. The newer Holy Fire® Reiki was introduced in 2014 by Master Jesus and other Ascended Masters to align with the higher frequencies that are becoming more evident as humanity experiences conscious evolution and ascension.

Karuna Reiki®, which was developed in 1995, is also known as the Reiki of Compassion.

In 2018, Holy Fire® Reiki III was introduced to refine and enhance higher spiritual energy. The Holy Fire® energy serves to refine and enhance the effectiveness of Karuna healing energy.

Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki ®" is a healing practice that works with my Higher Self to provide the necessary healing energy. The energy knows where to go and what to do, making it an intuitive and personalized experience. Additionally, at times, sound healing techniques like toning, tuning forks, and Tibetan bowls are used to enhance the healing energy.

What You'll Receive

The reiki/energy healing takes about an hour and you are relaxed and open to receive the healing for your highest good. After the session, I will spend about ½ hour writing up an email of my perceptions and possible suggestions or messages for you from the session.

Let's Get Started

  1. Complete the purchase of the Session below
  2. I will email you and we'll agree on a time for the healing session
  3. Upon completion of the healing session, you'll receive an email with my perceptions of the session which often includes suggestions for follow-up
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Energy Healing and Reiki Session

The combination of Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® adds the energies of Ascended Masters Jesus and Kuan Yin to facilitate the healing sessions with my Higher Self. The energy healing comes through in the frequency of Love.

125.00 CAD

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Have a beautiful day!